Brian McCarthy

Masters Student

He’s always chanting ‘herd work, work!’ Prior to joining, he earned his B.S. in Chemical and Biological Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2024. During his undergraduate years, Brian developed a keen interest in organ decellularization and recellularization, aiming to advance organ transplantation, disease modeling, and regenerative medicine. His passion lies in minimizing immune rejection while enhancing biocompatibility. Brian is thrilled to put his interests into practice in the Segura Lab, where he will focus on modulating immunologic micro-environments to facilitate neovascularization, expedite tissue repair processes, and enhance the integration and functionality of transplanted tissues. Outside of the lab, you can find Brian running road races, playing lacrosse or soccer, hitting the slopes for some skiing, or glued to the TV watching football.