If you have been inspired by our website and want to work with us, read about opportunities to get involved!

Are you a PhD Graduate Student applicant?

Professor Segura looks for driven individuals who are excited to devote their energy toward the design of novel biomaterial strategies for in situ tissue regeneration and to better themselves through active mentoring. As a principle investigator, she is more hands-off than hands-on, and successful students are self-starters who don’t wait for direct instructions before coming up with experimental plans and hypotheses to guide their work. The Segura Lab typically accepts around two PhD students every year to maintain 10-12 PhD students in the lab at any given time. Visit our Lab Members page if you’re curious about the types of students who join the lab!

– How to apply – 

Submit your application through Duke Biomedial Engineering (BME). Duke BME has a unique application process where students are directly recruited into a lab – so you match with us upon acceptance, not after! Therefore, make sure to select 🌟 Professor Segura 🌟 as your preferred mentor when you apply – that way your application gets flagged for her to review. Be sure to mention which Current Project on our Research page interests you. After initial reviews, Professor Segura offers about 20 students video interviews, which typically take place in January. Next, 6 students are selected for campus visits and in-person interviews. Finally, decisions are made by the upcoming March.

Funding is always a consideration, so if you have your own funding, please make sure you let us know in your application!

Are you a Duke Master's Student?

Professor Segura looks for driven individuals who are excited to learn both in and out of the lab. Master’s students will be in lab for a short period of time relative to PhD students, so applicants should understand that finding the right balance between heavy course work and lab work is essential! Successful MS students will commit a year of research in the lab. During this year, the MS student will begin with a mentored research project that closely aligns with the goal of the mentor. With more time, however, the student should gain independence. The final level of independence varies widely and depends on the goals of each student, as well as prior research experience.

– How to apply –

If you are a current Duke MS student and one of our Current Projects piques your interest, send us a message through our Contact form that includes the name of the project and the mentor. We have a cap of 3 MS students at any given time, so we sadly don’t always have open positions – but it never hurts to ask!

Are you a Postdoctoral candidate?

– How to apply –

If you are interested in joining as a postdoctoral fellow, send us a message through our Contact form that includes a cover letter, CV, and research proposal. In the cover letter, please describe your research interest and career path with emphasis on why the Segura Lab is uniquely equipped to help you achieve your research goals and prepare you for the next stage of your career. Visit our Lab Members page if you’re curious about the types of postdoctoral scholars who join the lab.

Are you a Duke Undergraduate Student?

We’re stoked that you’re interested! The Segura Lab is committed to providing meaningful undergraduate research experiences. We want to train you well so that you leave the lab equipped with valuable skills that prepare you for the next stages in your career. Have you checked out the Current Projects on our Research page? If not, do it!

– How to apply –

Duke uses Muser to connect undergraduates with research opportunities. Check Muser at the beginning of each semester to find open undergraduate positions. If you simply can’t wait, you can also send us a message through our Contact form that includes the name of the project and mentor you want to work with.

Are you an Undergraduate Student not at Duke?

If you’re an undergraduate student who doesn’t attend Duke University, there may still be opportunities to work with us! If you haven’t done so already, first read through the Current Projects on our Research page to find a topic that piques your interest.

– How to apply –

We typically accept undergraduate students outside of Duke through REU or the Amgen Scholars Programs. However, if you are from the area and plan to be home for the summer, shoot us a message through our Contact form letting us know which project interests you. We are particularly excited to work with our local community.

Are you a High School Student?

If you are a high school student, we’d love to mentor you! High school students bring fun energy into the lab, and we love it. Successful students are excited about working with their hands to create something new. High school projects have ranged from wet lab work to coding projects to hardcore data analysis! Students are directly mentored by a graduate student or postdoc who will help guide their creations and apply exciting science concepts in biomaterials.

– How to apply –

We currently only admit students through Duke-sponsored high school outreach programs. These programs have the required safety infrastructure to allow minors in the lab, and they often include other programs that help students grow in a variety of areas. If you are local, check with your school to find an outreach program! And you can always reach out to us through our Contact form with any questions.

Are you looking for an alternative career in science?

If you are a former Science Editor and want to return to an academic setting but not be at the bench, we are looking for someone with your skills to join the team! Please reach out using our Contact page to learn more.

    If this is about joining our lab, we'd love to take a peek at your CV and hear about why you would like to work with us. Be sure to mention which Current Project on our Research page interests you. #project

    If this is about joining our lab, we'd love to take a peek at your CV and hear about why you would like to work with us. Be sure to mention which Current Project on our Research page interests you. #project

    If this is about joining the lab, we'd love to take a peek at your CV. And while you're at it - go ahead and pitch a potential project you have in mind!

    If this is about joining the lab, go ahead and include your CV so we can learn all about you! And make sure to check out the Current Projects on our Research page so you can let us know which project piques your interest. #project