Sean Anderson, PhD

Founder and CEO, Aqua Regenerative Therapies, San Diego, CA

Sean received his B.S. (’06) and Ph.D. (’11) in Chemical Engineering from UCLA. His Ph.D. thesis focused on the cell signaling induced in endothelial cells by immobilized VEGF. In the last year or so of his studies, Sean created the heparin nanoparticles that now form the basis of CLUVENA. What started as a side project has evolved into one of the hot focus areas of the lab! And Sean couldn’t be more proud of what the lab has done to continue the incredible work he started. From the words of Sean: “A wise person once said: ‘Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.’ Hopefully, the blood vessels and neurons you engineer will heed this advice as well!” haha